Business and finance

Business location: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Business location including case study.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Section 1.4.2 Business Location

The purpose of business: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on the purpose of business.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.4.1 The economy and business

Types of Business LTD and PLC: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on types of business liability for Ltd and PLC companies
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.4.1 The options for start-up and small businesses, contains full lesson and homework.

Types of business sole traders and PLCs: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on types of business Liability: Sole traders and PLCs
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.4.1 The options for start-up and small businesses

Break-Even: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on Break-even for a great lesson!
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of 1.3.2 Business revenues, costs and profits

Liability: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on types of Business Liability
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.4.1 The options for start-up and small businesses

Business aims and objectives: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on business aims and objectives
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.3.1 Business aims and objectives

Costs, Revenue and Profit: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on Costs, Revenue and Profit
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of 1.3.2 Business revenues, costs and profits

Cash flow: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Cash and cash flow
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
1.3.3 Cash and cash-flow

Business Plan: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
What is a business plan worksheet set and presentation.
Helps you to tackle this tricky topic.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.4 Business plans

Market Research: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Market research
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
1.2.2 Market research, includes innovative exercise and presentation to run through with your students.

Understanding customer needs Exercise: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Understanding customer needs exercise
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
1.2.1 Understanding customer needs

iPhone X Higher Lower game
Created for Business Studies but also suitable as a game for tutor groups, Economics and citizenship.
How much do things cost in the real world?
Play this higher - lower game with the prices of the iPhone X and more.

GCSE Business Studies Starters Bundle for Edexcel (1BS0)
GCSE Business Studies Starters for Edexcel (1BS0)
Contains cine images and an interactive hex game
Covers the following topics
1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Spotting a business opportunity
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the business effective
1.5 Understanding external influences on business
2.1 Growing the business
2.2 Making marketing decisions
2.3 Making operational decisions
2.4 Making financial decisions
2.5 Making human resource decisions

2.4 Marketing Mix for OCR GCSE (9-1) in Business
Complete resources for OCR GCSE (9-1) in Business
a full presentation
McDonalds activitity
Interactive questions
Retail discussion activity
Fully class-tested and ready to go!

Abstraction resources for computing KS3
A fantastic set of resources. Abstraction is one of those topics where teachers may need a little extra help.
Here are three resources that cut through what abstraction is and how students can really get to grips with this concept that is essential for computer science!

Demand and supply: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on Demand and supply.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.4 The economy and business
Contains presentation, worksheets and homework for your students

Interest rates: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on Interest rates.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.4 The economy and business

Sources of finance: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Sources of finance
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of 1.3.4 Sources of Finance

Customer Needs part 2: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Customer needs part 2
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of 1.2.1 Customer Needs